Pride and Prejudice
From the classic novel by Jane Austen. Adapted by Jon Jory.
This timeless Jane Austen classic is the original romantic comedy for the ages. Elizabeth Bennett, a witty girl years ahead of her time, must navigate English society and endure its strict rules of conduct. As her mother endeavors tirelessly to marry off her and her four sisters, Elizabeth shows no interest in marriage–until the handsome Mr. Darcy appears on the scene. He matches Elizabeth’s wit and charm, but can the two overcome their stubborn pride long enough to find enduring love?

Romeo To Go
Written by Jonathan Rand.
Due to budget cuts there will only be a single session of Drama One for the entire school year — and the class will only last 20 minutes. To make matters worse, the students are required to perform an entire Shakespeare play for a schoolwide assembly during a time slot of only 10 minutes. Under the direction of the egomaniacal Mrs. Gunnysack, the beginner students must pull together for the fastest, cleanest, lowest-budget rendition of Romeo and Juliet the world has ever seen, complete with a makeshift balcony, interpretive dance fight sequences, and an Elizabethan hip-hop dance party that would even make P. Diddy shake his tail-feather with Shakespearean pride.

Music Man
Music, lyrics and book by Meredith Willson; Based on a Story by Meredith Willson and Franklin Lacey.
One of the most beloved musicals of all time, Music Man tells the story of Harold Hill, a con man, who arrives in River City, Iowa and immediately convinces the residents that he can straighten out the wayward youth of the town if they join his stellar new band. He wins over most everyone in town and even tranforms the school board into a omnipresent barbershop quartet. But not everyone is charmed by the affable “Professor” Hill–Marian, the town librarian, questions his credentials and his intentions, so Harold Hill sets out to woo the reluctant librarian in order to preserve his scam. Includes classic songs “76 Trombones” and “Till There Was You.”